Implicit Association Test
Harvard’s Implicit Association Test (IAT) allows you to investigate what unconscious biases you may have. Consider taking the IAT on Race or the IAT on Skin Tone to evaluate what biases you may have unconsciously.
Unconscious bias in medicine cme activity
This free CME activity from Stanford provides education on unconscious bias in the academic medicine workplace. Existing research on unconscious bias will provide a science-based view of this seemingly non-science topic. Case studies with examples of unconscious bias, self-assessment opportunities, and exploring bias busting strategies will enable learners to understand how to bring the content into their own unique environments.
Burnout and Racial Bias
Burnout is widely acknowledged to be a problem within medicine, particularly during residency. This cohort study of 3392 non-black resident physicians published in JAMA found that symptoms of burnout appeared to be associated with greater explicit and implicit racial biases. This suggests that physician burnout may increase health disparities, or at least that addressing physician burnout may reduce biases in clinical settings.